Dec. 7 (Day 9)
Read Gen. 28:10-22
Sometimes we doubt that God is still at work in our lives. Jacob, Isaac’s son and Abraham’s grandson, had many moments where he questioned what God was doing in his life. Before this dream called “Jacob’s ladder,” Jacob’s brother hated him and repeatedly tried to find ways to kill him. Jacob’s father didn’t seem to love Jacob as much as he did Jacob’s brother, Esau, and Jacob’s relationship with God was a little wobbly at times. Even so, here God chose to do something wonderful for Jacob!
First, God showed Jacob that He is still alive and active in the world. This is part of the reason that the ladder shows angels going up and going down: angels are God’s messengers! God is sending messages and is alive and active in the world!
Second, God showed Jacob that He is with him. Jacob called the place
Beth-el, or “house (beth) of God (el)” and understood that God would take care of his needs. He knew that God would provide the bread and clothing that he needed to survive. God is good and produces good things (remember creation!) and is pleased to share these things with us.
Third, God gave Jacob the chance to decide where to place his hope. Jacob asked God to return him in one piece to his father’s house. This happened later in the story, but Jacob decided in this moment that he was going to place his trust in his father’s God. Do we believe God is alive and active in the world today? This reality is no less true today than it was when Jacob was alive.
Do we believe God is with us? Jesus promised that He is with us to the end of the age. This can be a hard promise to trust, but we must! Do we place our trust in God? Every generation of Abraham’s family must decide whether they will trust God or do things their own way. Jacob’s track record is a little shaky, but God is faithful and sticks with him even in the shaky times. We must place our trust in God!
--How do you see God’s activity in the world today?
--How does God show you He is with you?
--How do we show that we place our trust in Him?