Nov. 30 (Day 2)
Read Habakkuk 2:1-4; 3:16-19
Habakkuk was a unique prophet, and that’s saying something because prophets are anything but ordinary! Typically, a prophet’s job was to warn people about coming calamity and call them back to God. Habakkuk did this, but was also tasked with watching for God in the midst of trouble. He stands in a watchtower not only so that he can see the trouble that’s coming, but also so that he can see God’s goodness in the midst of the trouble! This perspective is rare and immensely helpful.
When trouble comes, we often ask: “God, what are you doing?” What if our motive for asking this question wasn’t to call God’s actions into question (as if He had a momentary lapse in judgement or acted carelessly), but rather to acknowledge that He’s doing something purposeful and amazing that we don’t understand, and to ask Him to give us the wisdom to praise Him?
While the Israelites trudged through another ordinary day in Egypt, God set a bush on fire to call Moses to lead them out. While a farmer gazed at the stars, Jesus was born in Bethlehem. Your life may seem like it’s crashing down around you, or perhaps even like nothing is going on at all, but God is always at work somewhere, displaying His goodness and mercy. Now, this passage isn’t telling us that taking up a post in a watchtower and looking for God will make life easier, or help our circumstances seem right and make sense. It does, however, tell us that looking for God will help us trust Him and rejoice in Him, despite our understanding of what’s going on around us. He is our strength.
--What is the best place for you to clear your head and look for God’s goodness?
--How has God been faithful amidst our trouble in the past?
--How can we practice “waiting for it (v.3)” or waiting for God to work?