Prayer Requests as of October 17, 2024
  • Ken Dikkers' sister, Mary, fell recently. Pray for healing, clarity and comfort for both Mary and her family.  
  • Tina Tanner's 93-year-old foster father has a lesion on his brain but cannot handle the treatments. Prayers for healing, peace and comfort for he and his family. 
  • Amy Groezinger's mother, Karen Poquette, dealing with back pain, pray for answers as to cause and treatment.
  • Larry Roettger going to Nigeria in November to help with translating the book of Romans to Glavda. Prayers for good health and safe travels. 
  • Prayers for Darlene Greenfield & Velda Baal at the loss of their sister, Phyllis Ackerman.
  • Prayers for Gary & LeAnn Ross at the passing of their sister-in-law, Cathy. 
  • Gary & Patty Quinn's great nephew, Tylar Cotton, age 10, is now home. Prayers for diagnosis. Tylar's parents are Robert and Jennifer. 
  • Gina Timm's friend's grandson, Jaxson Stricker, doesn't have leukemia, praise the Lord. He is home now awaiting further test results. 
  • Betty Fenton fell and had a partial hip replacement. Prayers for peace and strength as she recovers.  Currently at Provena for rehab.
  • Prayers for Greg Ehrler's son & Kay Brown's grandson, Seth, and his wife, Elizabeth, as they mourn the loss of their baby boy who was stillborn. 
  • Sue Schofield recovering from shoulder surgery. Prayers for strength for a smooth recovery and the long weeks of physical therapy.
  • Praising God that Dan, Amber & Elisabeth Hershey have a brand new healthy baby girl named, Hope.
  • Sharon Moore will undergo two separate surgeries to remove large kidney stones . Pray for the surgeon, fast healing and strength.
  • Todd Curry is now home and receiving large doses of medication. Continue to pray for divine healing and for him to be cancer free.
  • Family and loved ones of Marilyn Nelson at her passing.
  • Carolyn Bremmer at the passing of her husband, Lyle Bremmer. 
  • Alla Sorn's daughter, Tami, recovering from double mastectomy surgery. Pray for healing and a fast recovery.
  • Jon Buisker recovering from spinal surgery. Prayers that Jon's heart stays strong and that God will grant Jon and his wife, Ruth, comfort in knowing that He will be with them through it all.
  • Darin & Beth Baughman & Beth's father, Jim Weaver, at the passing of Beth's mother, Carolyn Weaver.
  • Kathy, friend of Wayne & Cheryl Schofield, recently diagnosed with lung cancer.
  • Joe Quaintance, father of Jessica, a friend of Kathy Niesman, diagnosed with melanoma.
  • Pastor Parker and Madison Lundberg at the passing of Parker's grandmother, Maureen. 
  • Georgia Herman's husband, Earl, is recovering from bypass surgery.
  • Billie Setterstrom diagnosed with aggressive cancer, undergoing treatment.
  • Joan Winsel's sister, Karen, recently diagnosed with two kinds of breast cancer. 
  • Connie Heinrich diagnosed with breast cancer. Pray for peace for Connie as she undergoes preventative chemotherapy treatment.
  • Donna Genkinger's friend, Karen's 17-year-old grandson, Jaxson, has cancer and had surgery to biopsy some nodules near his lungs. Prayers answered, the nodules are non-cancerous.  Keep praying as Jaxson has one more chemo treatment. 
  • Ellie McClanathan's sister, Ruth, is recovering from surgery to remove cancerous nodes and reconstruct the channel that the fluids flow through.
  • Wayne & Cheryl Schofield's friend, Jason, needs a kidney transplant within a year.
  • Marty Niesman is still in a lot of pain. Possibly looking at spinal surgery.  Prayers that Marty will soon find relief from the pain.  
  • Greg & Courtney Burckhardt's 10-year-old niece, Penelope Kate, diagnosed with an inoperable spinal tumor. Prayers for a miracle cure, comfort and strength for Penelope and faith for her parents and big brother.
  • Update on Georgia Herman's neighbor, Ami. She is home.  Prayers that she can regain her strength to fight the cancer.
  • Jody Akins' niece, Amy Akins.  Prayers for Amy to be strengthened, comforted, have peace & for the doctors to find a way to help Amy. 
  • Janine Wilson's sister, Beth, ongoing struggles with alcohol.
  • Kathy Wilken, Jody Akins' sister-in-law, ongoing issues with macular degeneration.
  • Please be praying for Lora Herr as she has family in Ukraine. Pray for protection and for peace.
  • Pray for those in our church family who are dealing with ongoing health concerns: Jim Medendorp, Gordon Birckelbaw, Wanda Roderque, John Connors, Deborah Boatright and Deb Pruitt.
  • Thank you for your continued prayers for those in our church family who serve in the military: Aaron Graham, Logan Buchler, Blake Stoner and Chad Moring.
  • Please continue to lift up our shut-ins in prayer: Betty Fenton, Lou Holloway, Paul Christians, Ruth Elgin, Debbie Hibst, Carolyn Setterstrom, Dorothy Voss, Willie Weber and Gordon Birkelbaw. 

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