Prayer Requests as of July 25, 2024
  • Chris & Becky Thiel and family as they mourn the loss of Chris' mother, Sharon Thiel.
  • Georgia Herman's husband, Earl, is recovering from bypass surgery. Prayers for a speedy recovery and complete healing. 
  • Please be in prayer for Pastor Parker Lundberg's grandmother, Maureen, who is in failing health. 
  • Sue Schofield is having some tests done. 
  • Kathy Davis' dad, Dennis Buss, recovering from neck surgery.
  • Billie Setterstrom diagnosed with aggressive cancer, undergoing treatment.
  • Todd Schlachter diagnosed with lymphoma. 
  • Joan Winsel's sister, Karen, recently diagnosed with two kinds of breast cancer. Treatment is pending  next consultation.
  • Please be in prayer for Gary & LeAnn Ross' sister-in-law, Cathy, and her family as Cathy is going thru treatment for cancer. 
  • Connie Heinrich diagnosed with breast cancer. Please pray for peace for Connie as she undergoes preventative chemotherapy treatment over the next few months.
  • Donna Genkinger's friend, Karen's 15-year-old grandson, Jaxson, diagnosed with liver cancer. Recovering from surgery. He is starting chemo treatments so please continue to keep him and his family in your prayers. 
  • Scott & Deana Kaiser are praising God that Madison is finally home with a feeding tube. Thanking everyone for praying and requesting continued prayers for a diagnosis that will lead to a permanent solution. 
  • Ellie McClanathan's sister, Ruth, is recovering from a delicate & complex surgery to remove cancerous nodes & reconstruct the channel that the fluids flow through. 
  • Marian Hibst's daughter, Debbie Hibst, upcoming total hip replacement. 
  • Prayers for the Manus family as they grieve the loss of Jane (Janie) Manus.  
  • Steve & Ava Cascio at the passing of Ava's mother, Mildred Farringer . Please pray for peace and comfort for Steve, Ava & family. 
  • Steve Glaze is recovering from knee replacement surgery. 
  • Steve & Ava Cascio's nephew is able to do light work due to a work injury but now needs surgery on his shoulder and back.  
  • Ron Mackenzie at Provena for rehab after a bout with pneumonia.
  • Rose Harkness & family at the passing of Rose's husband, Bob Harkness. 
  • Edna & Amy Gilleland & family at the passing of their husband & father, Pastor Cliff Gilleland. 
  • Wayne & Cheryl Schofield's friend, Jason, needs a kidney transplant within a year.
  • Marty Niesman is still in a lot of pain. Possibly looking at spine surgery. Pray for the doctors as they determine the correct solution, for Marty for peace and comfort and that his kidney stone issues can be resolved with medication. 
  • Greg and Courtney Burckhardt's 10-year-old niece, Penelope Kate, diagnosed with an inoperable spinal tumor. Prayers for a miracle cure, comfort and strength for Penelope and faith for her parents and big brother. 
  • Beth Baughman is recovering from two very painful cervical spine surgeries and is thankful for your prayers that have been helping her to recover faster than expected. Praise the Lord!
  • Sue Hartman's brother-in-law, Steve Rhode, diagnosed with colon cancer. Please pray for healing and strength as he undergoes treatment.
  • Update on Georgia Herman's neighbor, Ami. She is home after 17 days in the hospital, 12 in ICU. Praises that she is home and continued prayers that she can regain her strength to fight the cancer. 
  • Kenny Carbaugh  diagnosed with cancer. Now taking chemo pills. Prayers for divine strength, comfort and healing.
  • Quentin & Rachel Davis' son, Daniel, slowly recovering from back fusion surgery.  Prayers for encouragement for the progress that has been made thus far and for a good report from his upcoming CT scan. 
  • Jody Akins' niece, Amy Akins.  The new meds did not stop her seizures. She will be seeing an oncologist in Chicago. Pray for Amy to be strengthened, comforted and have peace through all of this and for the doctors to find a way to help Amy. 
  • Janine Wilson's sister, Beth, ongoing struggles with alcohol.
  • Kathy Wilken, Jody Akins' sister-in-law, ongoing issues with macular degeneration.
  • Please be praying for Lora Herr as she has family in Ukraine. Pray for protection and for peace.
  • Pray for those in our church family who are dealing with ongoing health concerns: Jim Medendorp, Gordon Birckelbaw, Wanda Roderque, John Connors, Deborah Boatright and Deb Pruitt.
  • Thank you for your continued prayers for those in our church family who serve in the military: Aaron Graham, Logan Buchler and Chad Moring.
  • Please continue to lift up our shut ins in prayer: Betty Fenton, Lou Holloway, Paul Christians, Ruth Elgin, Debbie Hibst, Carolyn Setterstrom, Dorothy Voss, Willie Weber and Gordon Birkelbaw.