Ephesians Nov 10
Sermon Based Small Group Questions
1) Community: Describe a moment when you had a chance to imitate Christ. How did it go? What happened and what was the result? End this time thanking God for giving us chances to show others Him.
2) Content: Skim Ephesians 1-3 together. Start a list of what Christ has done for us. Ponder this. What is the most impactful to you personally? Share these answers together.
3) Content: Read Ephesians 4:1-6 and 11-16. The church is called to worship God with our lives. How does the maturity of followers of Jesus contribute to this? How are we intended to help one another grow?
4) Service: How are you using your gifts to serve this small group? How are you using your gifts to serve others outside the church?
5) Worship: Pick one of the prayers of Paul in Ephesians and end the time together reading it and praying, using it as a template.