To Caesar You Shall Go . Jan 26
SBSG Questions
1) Community: What are repetitive issues in life that drive you crazy?
2) Content: Read 1 Peter 4:12-19. Consider what Paul is going through in Acts 25 (and the preceding and proceeding chapters). How does this 1 Peter passage speak to this and help us have an accurate understanding of persecution and coming under trial?
3) Content: How are we the recipients from Paul’s bold witness? Spend some time thinking this through and then talk it out. Take your time. Be thorough.
4) Content: Consider how “repetitive” this past few chapters have been for us. Note how God is using ALL OF IT for His glory! How often do we treat repetitive issues as if God isn’t in control? How might we handle it differently?
5) Worship: Thank God for using even the repetitive and mundane to honor Him.
6) Service: Find ways to be blessed or bless others when repetitive things happen this week!