Chapter 342,109 Feb 23
ACTS 28:11-31 – 2/21/20
1)Community: How do you feel about unfinished stories – exhilarated or disappointed or ______?
2)Content: Read Acts 28:11-31 together. Paul’s “to the Jews first and then to the Gentile” is specific to him. How would we understand this today? How is discipleship an ongoing thing that affects the church and those outside?
3)Content: Look at 28:30-31 again. Share some times in which you shared the Gospel and how it went. How do you “proclaim the kingdom and teach about the Lord Jesus Christ with all boldness?” What hindrance do you feel in sharing this?
4)Worship: Thank God for faithful men like Paul/Aquila and faithful women like Priscilla. Yet even more note that Luke and Acts is “what Jesus has done” both in His faithfulness and then by the Spirit’s work. We are supposed to MEET God in what He wants to do. It isn’t dependent on us – but we are called to work with Him to accomplish His purposes. Let’s worship a good, big, powerful God by praising Him with our prayers, our voices, our reading of the Scripture and by obeying the Spirit’s leading.
5)Service: If Paul hadn’t gotten to Rome what would have happened?