Joy Dec 15

Dec 15, 2019    Mark Balmer

Small Group Questions

1) Community: Who was a great “messiah” in your lifetime that let you down? How did they diminish your hopes and joys as you became aware of who they really were?

2) Content: Read Isaiah 7:14-17, 9:6-7, 11:1-5 out loud together. What is significant about God “being with us” (Immanuel)? Take time to comb through these passages and see how Christ is the ultimate fulfillment of these verses.

3) Content: Read Isaiah 7:10-12. Ahaz is a mess and deserves the judgment promised in Isaiah 1. God chooses to give grace and give a sign to Ahaz. How beautiful is this idea to you?

4) Content: Read Matthew 1:18-23. Jesus is the ultimate fulfillment of Immanuel. How have you personally (or we as a group) found ways to live out the reality that Christ is Messiah?

5) Service: God gives us joy by coming near (Immanuel) in our time of need. Who is your recipient from the devotional focus this week? How can we assist as a small group?

6) Worship: Read Isaiah 12. Spend some time praising Him for the joy He brings us in fulfilling all He’s promised!