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We are a church family that approaches His throne for the benefit of others.
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Prayer Requests
These are the ways that we can be praying for others:

March 24, 2025

  • Marna Pauley's daughter, Erin, is scheduled for surgery on April 4th in Madison to remove a tumor growing behind her eye that is pushing on her optic nerve.
  • Art Dressel has a fast-growing cancer and has been placed on Hospice.
  • Donna Genkinger's friend (Tamara) has a daughter, Ashley, mother of a 1-year-old. Ashley is battling cancer for the second time. Pray for strength for the family as they go through this difficult time.
  • Dave & Kelli Downs and family at the passing of Kelli's father, Gary Grant.
  • Ken & Rayann Langley and family at the passing of Ken's mother, Sandy Langley.
  • Mike Vowell's 50-year-old nephew, Ben Davis, passed away following a brain stem stroke. 
  • Kay Brown's grandson, Josh, transferred to Milwaukee hospital for specialty care.
  • Janice Nortridge is home now and will soon be starting outpatient therapy. 
  • Brandon (Lauren) White, scheduled for very complicated brain surgery to remove several tumors on March 19th, in Madison. They have three young children, including a newborn.
  • Brian Rieck's brother, Tom (Karen) Rieck, at the sudden loss of their 38-year-old daughter, Alyssa Bowden, mother of 3. 
  • Jody Akins' uncle, Butch Wurster, recovering from heart valve replacement surgery.
  • Long-term Park Hills Church missionary, Tom Virtue, diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Pray for Tom and his family as they embark on a treatment plan.
  • 3-year-old, Waylon, recovering from surgery to help control his seizures.
  • Bill Beal's 12-year-old grandson, Timber, recently diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.
  • Cheryl Schofield is home and recovering from a stroke. Pray for Cheryl, Wayne & family.
  • Mike & Teri Vowell's niece, Rachel, diagnosed with kidney cancer. 
  • Linda Scott to stay the course and be strong. 
  • Cheryl Schofield's friend, Linda, recently had an MRI done. It showed that she has a mass on her brain. She is hospitalized in Madison. 
  • Prayers for family and friends of Karli Weltzin, who lost her 2-year battle with breast cancer.
  • Diane Hagemann's friend, Kathe, is in the hospital with fluid in her lung and cancer. Prayers for healing, comfort and peace.
  • Ann Wiggens' daughter, Kayla, mother of two, age 35, recovering from surgery for brain cancer.
  • Angie Miller's sister, Mary, hospitalized due to severe anxiety and depression. Pray for physical, spiritual and mental healing.
  • Marty Niesman prayers for back pain relief and upcoming hip replacement surgery.
  • Ken Dikkers' sister, Mary, fell recently. Pray for healing, clarity and comfort for both Mary and her family.  
  • Amy Groezinger's mother, Karen Poquette, dealing with back pain, pray for answers as to cause and treatment.
  • Alla Sorn's daughter, Tami, recovering from double mastectomy surgery. Recovery is going very well.
  • Kathy, friend of Wayne & Cheryl Schofield, recently diagnosed with lung cancer.
  • Joe Quaintance, father of Jessica, a friend of Kathy Niesman, diagnosed with melanoma.
  • Billie Setterstrom diagnosed with aggressive cancer, undergoing treatment.
  • Joan Winsel's sister, Karen, recently diagnosed with two kinds of breast cancer.
  • Wayne & Cheryl Schofield's friend, Jason, needs a kidney transplant within a year.
  • Georgia Herman's neighbor, Ami, who has cancer. Pray for relief from pain, God's wisdom for the doctors to make the correct decisions for her ongoing treatments.
  • Janine Wilson's sister, Beth, ongoing struggles with alcohol.
  • Kathy Wilken, Jody Akins' sister-in-law, ongoing issues with macular degeneration.
  • Please be praying for Lora Herr as she has family in Ukraine. Pray for protection and for peace.
  • Pray for those in our church family who are dealing with ongoing health concerns: Jim Medendorp, Gordon Birckelbaw, Wanda Roderque, John Connors, Deborah Boatright and Deb Pruitt.
  • Thank you for your continued prayers for those in our church family who serve in the military: Aaron Graham (on deployment), Logan Reev Buchler, Blake Stoner and Chad Moring.
  • Please continue to lift up our shut-ins in prayer:  Lou Holloway, Paul Christians, Ruth Elgin, Debbie Hibst, Carolyn Setterstrom, Willie Weber and Gordon Birkelbaw.