These are the ways that we can be praying for others:
March 24, 2025
Marna Pauley's daughter,Erin, is scheduled for surgery on April 4th in Madison to remove a tumor growing behind her eye that is pushing on her optic nerve.
Art Dresselhas a fast-growing cancer and has been placed on Hospice.
Donna Genkinger's friend (Tamara) has a daughter,Ashley, mother of a 1-year-old.Ashleyis battling cancer for the second time. Pray for strength for the family as they go through this difficult time.
Dave & Kelli Downs and familyat the passing of Kelli's father, Gary Grant.
Ken & Rayann Langley and familyat the passing of Ken's mother, Sandy Langley.
Mike Vowell's 50-year-old nephew,Ben Davis, passed away following a brain stem stroke.
Kay Brown's grandson,Josh, transferred to Milwaukee hospital for specialty care.
Janice Nortridge is home now and will soon be starting outpatient therapy.
Brandon(Lauren)White, scheduled for very complicated brain surgery to remove several tumors on March 19th, in Madison. They have three young children, including a newborn.
Brian Rieck's brother,Tom (Karen) Rieck, at the sudden loss of their 38-year-old daughter, Alyssa Bowden, mother of 3.
Jody Akins' uncle,Butch Wurster, recovering from heart valve replacement surgery.
Long-term Park Hills Church missionary,Tom Virtue, diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Pray for Tom and his family as they embark on a treatment plan.
3-year-old,Waylon, recovering from surgery to help control his seizures.
Bill Beal's 12-year-old grandson,Timber, recently diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.
Cheryl Schofield is home and recovering from a stroke. Pray for Cheryl, Wayne & family.
Mike & Teri Vowell's niece, Rachel, diagnosed with kidney cancer.
Linda Scottto stay the course and be strong.
Cheryl Schofield's friend,Linda,recently had an MRI done. It showed that she has a mass on her brain. She is hospitalized in Madison.
Prayers for family and friends ofKarli Weltzin, who lost her 2-year battle with breast cancer.
Diane Hagemann's friend,Kathe, is in the hospital with fluid in her lung and cancer. Prayers for healing, comfort and peace.
Ann Wiggens' daughter,Kayla, mother of two, age 35, recovering from surgery for brain cancer.
Angie Miller's sister,Mary, hospitalized due to severe anxiety and depression. Pray for physical, spiritual and mental healing.
Marty Niesman prayers for back pain relief and upcoming hip replacement surgery.
Ken Dikkers' sister,Mary, fell recently. Pray for healing, clarity and comfort for both Mary and her family.
Amy Groezinger's mother,Karen Poquette, dealing with back pain, pray for answers as to cause and treatment.
Alla Sorn's daughter,Tami, recovering from double mastectomy surgery. Recovery is going very well.
Kathy, friend of Wayne & Cheryl Schofield, recently diagnosed with lung cancer.
Joe Quaintance, father of Jessica, a friend of Kathy Niesman, diagnosed with melanoma.
Billie Setterstrom diagnosed with aggressive cancer, undergoing treatment.
Joan Winsel's sister,Karen, recently diagnosed with two kinds of breast cancer.
Wayne & Cheryl Schofield's friend,Jason, needs a kidney transplant within a year.
Georgia Herman's neighbor, Ami, who has cancer. Pray for relief from pain, God's wisdom for the doctors to make the correct decisions for her ongoing treatments.
Janine Wilson's sister, Beth, ongoing struggles with alcohol.
Kathy Wilken, Jody Akins' sister-in-law, ongoing issues with macular degeneration.
Please be praying forLora Herras she has family in Ukraine. Pray for protection and for peace.
Pray for those in our church family who are dealing with ongoing health concerns:Jim Medendorp, Gordon Birckelbaw,Wanda Roderque,John Connors,Deborah BoatrightandDeb Pruitt.
Thank you for your continued prayers for those in our church family who serve in the military:Aaron Graham (on deployment),Logan Reev Buchler, Blake Stoner and Chad Moring.
Please continue to lift up our shut-ins in prayer: Lou Holloway, Paul Christians, Ruth Elgin, Debbie Hibst, Carolyn Setterstrom,Willie Weber and Gordon Birkelbaw.