Even in Jesus’ last moments, it was clear that He was truly the Son of God. He was laid to rest in a tomb carved from solid rock, with a large stone rolled into place to seal His body.
Three days later,
an earthquake trembled the earth, and an angel, shining like lightning, brought forth the message: "Do not be afraid. Go and proclaim the news that He has risen, just as He promised."
The resurrection was not merely an event; it was the realization of a promise.
Celebrate Holy Week with us April 17th - 20th
Thursday, April 17th | 6pm | Freeport Chapel
Pastor Chris will lead a seminar-style discussion exploring scholarly debates surrounding the question: When Did Jesus Die?
Friday, April 18th | 6pm
Good Friday Service Freeport & Winnebago
Sunday, April 20th
Resurrection Sunday Service 8, 9:30, or 11 AM Freeport & 10 AM Winnebago